Design Tips

Memory Book Online™ Top 10 Tips Make Your Job Easier!

  • Read the manual that comes in your free production kit! Watch the accompanying webinars.
  • Send your photographer’s PSPA-compliant CD to Memory Book Company and tell us if you want your portraits sorted by grade or by teacher.
  • Let Memory Book Company know if you want to place teacher portraits on both the Staff/Faculty page AND class pages.
  • Set your digital camera to take high-resolution photos. If you are scanning photos, set the resolution to 300 DPI.
  • Select all the digital images you will use in your yearbook and organize those images on your computer.
  • Send your digital images on a disc or removable USB drive to Memory Book Company for uploading. You may also send us hard copies of your images sorted in separate envelopes by category for scanning and uploading. You’ll have an opportunity to submit candid images for us to upload.
  • Keep a copy of all images you send Memory Book Company or upload to Memory Book Online™.
  • Create a Page Ladder BEFORE you start building your yearbook.
  • Print a proof of your portraits BEFORE you flow the class pages. Make any changes to portraits BEFORE you flow the class pages. See the Class Pages section of your manual for more information.
  • Submit all your pages AND send all your forms and payment by your deadline in order to receive your yearbooks on time.

More Memory Book Online™ Tips

For best results, keep these other tips in mind:
  • Color correct images before uploading to Memory Book Online™. Make sure your images, especially class portraits, are not too dark, too light, or color cast.
  • Be alert for text that may be hard to read. Use light-colored text on dark backgrounds and dark-colored text on light backgrounds. You may also lighten elements used as backgrounds by using the Tint tool under the Format tab.
  • When creating your class portrait pages, make sure:
    • There are no duplicate or missing portraits.
    • Each portrait has a first name and a last name.
    • Names and portraits match.
    • Portrait sizes are consistent, and are lined up and spaced evenly.
    • Teachers’ portraits are not flowed in with student portraits.
    • Each class portrait page’s grade is identified and placed in the proper order in the yearbook.
  • Use the Memory Book Online™ spelling checker.
  • Watch out for faces and text that may be placed outside the margins, because those elements may get trimmed off. If you are not sure where the margins are located, please call technical support at 877-302-3140.
  • To avoid unwanted duplicate candid images, look at the bottom left corner of an image’s thumbnail under the Images tab before placing it on a page. If there is a green check mark, it means that this image has already been placed on one or more pages.

Still have questions? Call your customer service representative at 800-247-1526 or technical support at 877-302-3140. We’ll be happy to help!