• We All
    Play A Part
    In minimizing our environmental impact


Memory Book Company is serious about our impact on the environment, and we have processes in place to reduce the amount of waste produced at the plant.

  • Waste and paper coming from the plant is recycled.
  • Paper is purchased from mills that follow sound environmental practices
  • The forests are replanted as the trees are cut down.
  • Our job setup procedures require images to be printed on the smallest sheet of paper possible to reduce waste.
  • Yearbooks are printed with inks containing vegetable oil content. Memory Book ink is certified by the Iowa Soybean Association.
  • The facility does not put any chemicals in the waste water.
  • The yearbooks produced can be recycled by the end user (depending on cover enhancements).
  • Yearbook proofs for certain design programs are sent via email or through the FTP site which saves on paper, ink, and shipping envelopes.
  • Proofs for all covers are sent electronically.